SEE: HALAL Duck Meat; Top Value Tasty Red Meat $10:00  $6.00

SEE: CHEAP 'CHEEP' Day Old Ducklings For Sale:   Day Old Ducklings For Sale:  $15.00

 TEAM   HAIG  are now  
  HAIGREPORT/ ie,[click beloe or here to see]HaigDotReportLogo/. Yes, we are now Haig.Report, & still

 TEAM   HAIG   HAS NOW UPGRADED HaigReport with SECURE User Registration, and Login, with Password Reset, and "Remember Me" facility [to save your repeatedly logging in], and with all the protections including CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) protection, Brute Force protection [those will be locked out of HaigReport], SQL injection protection,  and CAPTCHA.

We  have also developed and included a NEW Contact Form, with facility for you, as a user, to send an attachment, [but you will need to be registered and logged in to use it;  if you clicked on that link you will already know this].

   HAIG REPORT: is growing rapidly, encouraging even more user/visitor interaction with HaigReport.  TEAM   HAIG  will make more provision for user/visitor comment on all our pages and subsequently develping a VIDEO PRODUCTION TEAM..  

apropos Member comments: we have already added the  field for your ALIAS on our Registration Form, for your future comments.  Comment facility is coming, - it is close.

If you have not registered to view, you will need to Register and Login to view the pages on HaigReport.  However, to whet your appetite, we, at  TEAM   HAIG   have left our THEMES MENU [below], and subequent MENUS OF MENUS  and then HUNDREDS OF MENUS [see what interests you] without your needing to login, so you can see all of the hundreds of MENUS: of the thousands of pages  that you will be missing if you do not register and login.  Don't worry, you will always know how to Register and Login because as you click on the items in each final, third level, menu you will see this Login page.  ENJOY the Menus on the THEMES Page!   You will be able to see the MENUS:, but not the pages, until you Register and Login.   The pages are about the EXPOSURE  of  WORLDWIDE catholic corruption.  Don't bother unless you, yourself,  are KEEN to expose the WORLDWIDE catholic corruption.

   TEAM   HAIG   encourages you to Register and Login to HaigReport if you, are anywhere in the world, and concerned at being cheated and ripped off, by the parasites of the catholic "church" aka the "catholic mafia". The purpose of HaigReport is to PUBLISH the EVIDENCE so alerting the smarter people of the world to the fraud and corruption of the catholic "church" aka the "catholic mafia" SEE THE EVIDENCE [come back to this  page when  you have Registered and  Logged IN] [see the admission by the Queensland Government, when you Login here or, Search Online]. The catholic mafia's centuries of fraud, corruption. stealing and making war, is coming to an end with the the increasing import of the WWW, so making a better world for us all.. They are dirty fighters, around the world. So Register, Login and Share the evidence.

HaigReport Themes

Themes of  Websites
for the
HAIG   REPORT: Group of Websites:
[We expect, in time, to have all of the thousands of pages on the
HAIG   REPORT: group of websites accessible from this Menu of THEMES. Eventually, there will be 20 themes, each with an average of 15 to 20 websites/domains/directories, with each website/domain having an average of 20 pages. This would equate to 20 x (15 to 20) x 20 = 6,000 to 8,000 pages. This menu of Themes will be included near the bottom of each page, in time. With one line of code, strategically placed, this Menu of Themes is now on thousands of pages. We are continually and progressively adding pages to this Menu of Themes of website Menus.]


Reg. Office: 254 Hawken Drive, St Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia.  
Editor-in-Chief:  Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA      EMAIL us anytime:  Please Please make a donation using BPay.  using  Please make a donation using BPay. 

Menu: HaigReport'sThemes or Categories of the the Topics of the HaigReport Group of Websites: 
© COPYRIGHT: Russell Gordon Haig Mathews 2002 - 2025

The LATEST ADDITIONS are added to the top:

See  All 67 Domain Names in the HaigReport Group 

© COPYRIGHT: Russell Gordon Haig Mathews 2002 - 2025

Now here are the THEMES &:

  NEW  ../../imagesHaigReportPodcasts/HaigReportPodcastLogoIconRuskiYarn.png  PODCAST

  1. HaigReport's International Live Streaming Podcasts:

  2. About HaigReport Group of Websites including
    Vote One Russell Mathews:

  3. Worldwide Terrorist catholic MAFIA = catholic Order of Malta Mafia:

  4. Commonwealth of Australia Knowingly Employs LIARS, CHEATS and CRIMINALS:

  5. Government Corruption Infecting Corporates; ASX:

  6. New ADDITIONAL platform; Printed Distributed HaigReport NEWSPAPER:

  7. Self Help Law: Do your own Legals/Law:

  8. International: Corrupt Politics & Corrupt religion:

  9. Russell Mathews [BCom BSc LLB & BA] Commentary additional to the rest of these Websites:

  10. Legal Rights, & BLACKLISTS of parasite residents & tenants in rental accommodation:

  11. RAMPANT POLICE CORRUPTION Exposed by HaigReport Websites; :

  12. Other public sector corruption Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  13. RELIGION Corruption CRIME & PAEDOPHILIA Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  14. Qld Govt Translink wankers & pony spankers Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  15. Corrupt JUDGES, COURTS, & TRIBUNALS Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  16. Corrupt LAWYERS Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  17. Corrupt POLITICANS Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  18. University of Qld Fraud & Corruption Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  19. Corruption at other universities; Exposed by HaigReport Websites:

  20. Expose' of Other CORRUPTION, including TELSTRA, under influence of public sector parasites, as exposed by the HaigReport Group of Websites:

  21. Business Promoted by HaigReport Websites:

  22. Finance by HaigReport Websites:

This page is part of the Internet presence of

Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
View list of SOME of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards



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